Regulation Crowdfunding FAQs

Considering raising capital through Regulation Crowdfunding?

Here are questions we are frequently asked.

Don’t see what you’re looking for? Reach out to us at the Contact Us form below!

+ What documents do I need to submit?
+ How does this compare to a bank loan?
+ How does this work with PACE financing?
+ How long does it take to get funded?
+ When do I get the money?
+ How much can I raise?
+ What are the advantages of crowdfunding for my company?
+ Who can invest in my project/company?
+ Can I restrict investment to a particular area/group?
+ What happens if I don't raise as much as I need?
+ What do I get at the end of the raise?
+ Does Raise Green guarantee a certain number of investors?
+ What regulations do I have to follow?
+ Can I advertise my Reg CF offering in another funding offering, such as Reg D?

Still have questions? Reach out to us below!