As we begin to re-emerge from the pandemic induced shutdown of society, each one of us has an opportunity to decide: what’s next.
Collectively, our respective answers to that question will define the future viability of life on earth. Pressing challenges of the climate crisis, wealth inequality and injustice, and threats to public health are intensifying -- they’re disproportionately hitting underserved and historically disadvantaged communities, and they’re fraying our social fabric. Whether it’s the more than half a million Americans killed from COVID, the $100 billion cost of climate-related natural disasters across the US in 2020 1, or the intensifying wave of racial violence: we need a whole-of-society mobilization to tackle these intertwined issues and address them in a way that brings everyone along.
We need solutions that accelerate faster than the pace of the problems.
President Biden has mobilized a whole-of-government approach to the climate crisis in his first 100 days in office that is driving ambitious U.S. climate progress to build global momentum going into the global climate conference this November (COP26). This morning, the U.S. federal government set an ambitious greenhouse gas emissions reduction target of 50-52% below 2005 levels by 2030 3.
Countries of the world are expected to accelerate their decarbonization by setting new carbon pollution reduction targets and a renewed effort to mobilize capital to fill the $4.6 trillion infrastructure gap by 2040 2. The world needs to mobilize more than $1Trillion per year into climate tech to achieve the global Paris Agreement goal of keeping warming below 2 degrees C and have a chance of staying below 1.5 degrees C to avoid catastrophic impacts. The latest data shows that we’re only at about $580 billion per year 4, but more is being done every day to turn it around 5.
These climate targets are achievable. We can do this. But we need everyone involved if we’re going to get there. Leaders from cities, states, tribal nations, businesses, colleges, and institutions of faith, culture, and healthcare across the country and the world have carried the torch on climate action over the past four years. We’re already reducing emissions, block-by-block, investment-by-investment, project-by-project, and we’re committed to achieving and exceeding America’s new target. The US accounts for 15% of global emissions, but only 4% of the global population, and we have a long way to go 6. This is the largest economic and social opportunity ever facing the world, and everyone should benefit from the transition if we do it right. Cutting U.S. emissions in half over the next decade is going to be difficult but there are multiple, viable pathways to get there and America’s non-federal actors are already putting their money where their mouths are.
We also can not wait for Federal and regulatory actions to save us -- every community can and should take immediate action today.
This ambitious climate target requires a coordinated, whole-of-society national climate strategy and cooperation to create, fund, build and run the transformative projects, policies and programs needed to reach it. Community leaders stand ready to partner with the federal government on the ambitious action, investment, and collaboration needed, and Raise Green is here to make that easier than ever.
If you’re working on a climate project and want inclusive financing, Raise Green for it.
If you have time -- you or your organization can start a local clean energy project in your community now. We give you the tools to create, fund, build and run your project, and finance it inclusively through the Raise Green Originator Engine.
If you have money -- you can invest it in real verifiable impactful projects at the local scale, backed by hard assets that provide essential services on the Raise Green Marketplace.
What are you waiting for?
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